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Top Ten Writing Tips To Help You To Write More

by Angela Booth


Here in no particular order, are the ten best writing tips I've discovered in 25 years of writing. They may work for you, too. Try them.

How to Write a Novel

by Harvey Chapman
The question I am most often asked about novel writing is 'Where do you even begin?' This brief guide to how to write a novel will hopefully point you in the right direction.

Overcoming Writer's Block - 6 Simple Strategies

by Noelle Boughanmi

You have a deadline looming and you're staring at a blank screen. You type a few words then delete them. "Why is this so hard?" you ask yourself. Honey, that's writer's block. But you don't have to succumb to this obstacle. Try these six strategies and you'll find yourself back at it in no time.

How to Make Yourself Write - Tips and Tricks

All writers, graduate students, and professors know that they're supposed to write on a daily basis, or at least as frequently as possible. Despite this knowledge, most find it difficult to maintain a regular writing habit.


I'm frequently asked for tips on how to make yourself write, even when you don't feel like it (which for many, is most of the time!) Hope these tips help you.

Article Writing Tips - Top 5 Effective Article Writing Tips Revealed

By Jeremiah O'Connell

If profiting from Article Writing is your objective, then this article will provide you with five effective writing tips you can start using right away. Equipped with these writing tips, you'll soon be building a foundation upon which you can profit from your successful articles in no time flat.

Get Writing Non-Fiction: 9 Ideas for Purposeful Daily Practice for Beginners

by Denise Jay

You're a new writer. Perhaps you've been reading books on the subject or talking to other writers. You've almost certainly been advised to get into the habit of writing every day. This is good advice, because in order to develop discipline and hone skill regular writing is important. But for complete beginners this may prove a rather arduous activity. If you're struggling, read on.

How To Write Non-Fiction That Sells

by Louise Dop

Nothing turns a reader off more quickly than a list of dry facts and figures. Good fiction writers always show rather than tell but it's worth remembering that the technique can work for non-fiction too. Follow this advice and your articles will make compulsive reading.

Children's Books, Writing For Children - Top Tips

by Cara Louise
Children's books and writing for children are sometimes viewed by those outside the field as one step removed from knitting. The reality is very different as anyone who has tried to get a children's book published knows. Here are Top Tips from someone who knows all all the heartbreak of rejection and has finally broken into the several-thousand-copies-sold-Land-of-Narnia with her novel The Boy From The Hills.

Historical Fiction - The Way Forward - Unique And Effective Writing

by Tatiya Tatiyasopon

For those of you who love to write historical fiction, this article may be useful for you to develop writing skills as well as to improve quality of your writing piece. As we all know among people who are historical fiction writers that writing kind of this work requires a lot of time and massive effort as well as creativity to combine the historical fact with the story to make the perfect casting as well as endearing and dislikeable characters.

Getting Past The Shoulds To Write

By Catherine Franz

Catherine Franz shares her writer's journey and how she survived criticism of her writing, persisting with her passion until she finally received the recognition she deserved.

Research Papers In Education: Aims, Approaches, Results

by Jordon Casinger

Writing research papers in education is an important part of developing students writing skills. It is important to acquire researching skills in college or other educational institutions to become a professional in career. Research papers in education may be devoted to various topics and subjects. However, regardless of the subject, any research paper should meet format requirements typical of this kind of writing. Find out the main peculiarities of research papers in education reading this article.


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