Writing Courses Online - An Information Resource for Writers

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This web site is dedicated to all the writers out there who are just beginning their writing journey or who are already writing and wish to improve their craft.

A writer's journey is a personal one. Some people know from a young age that they are destined to be writers. Their imagination would take them on flights of fancy and they would enchant their little friends with their story telling.


For others it can come later in life from an emotional place such as after a death of someone dear or a failed relationship or even losing their job. They find their head fills with words and the only way to get them out is to write them down.


Some people just want to get ahead in the work place or their business while others simply want to make money out of their writing any way they can. Whatever reason brought you here, you know one thing for sure - you want to write.

So what will you find on this web site? Under the Books section, I had sourced books about every form of writing from childrens' books to non fiction and technical writing. Whatever form of writing interests you, you should find reference books on your genre here.

Under the Articles section, you will find a series of handpicked articles sourced from all over the net which will give you tips from other writers to help you on your journey.


Under the Videos section I have sourced from YouTube eight excellent videos that I felt were worth watching. These include three instructional videos and five videos featuring best selling authors of our time including the most successful, JK Rowling.


The Social section is just a bit of fun for Twitter fans to see the latest gossip on writing. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, please click my Twitter link.


I hope you enjoy this web site.

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